
The Board of Directors at The Queen’s School comprises the following persons:

Mr. Arturo Stewart – Chairman

Ms. Jennifer Williams – Principal

Mr. Arturo Stewart – Vice – Chairman

Mrs Jacqueline Mighty – Diocesan Representative

Dr. Patrick Cunningham – Diocesan Representative

Dr. Geraldene Hodelin – Diocesan Representative

Ms. Carol Cuffley – Past Student Representative

Mrs. Ingrid Wilson – Staff Representative

Ms. Hopal Watkis – Past P.T.A. Representative

Dr. Robertson Hickling – Diocesan Representative

Dr. Vernon Satchell = Diocesan Representative

Mr. Lyttleton Shirley – Community Representative

Mrs Dolcie Townsend – National Council Representative

Mrs. Michelle Campbell – Administrative Staff Representative

Miss Karen Dunn – Ancillalry Staff Representative

Mrs Sharon Smith – White – Ministry of Education Representative

Ms. Janice Taylor – Bursar/ Secretary